“Prolapse” 38”x 31”
polished cement & dry pigment on panel
(click to enlarge)
I posted a second version of this piece on my blog and Mary Zeran confirmed my suspicions that I had taken it too far. Thanks Mary. I liked my first version enough to post it but it started to feel shallow after awhile. So, fools rush in, I over did it to the point that, as Mary pointed out, the simplicity of the earlier version was lost. Working in cement presents problems when you try to work back into a piece but at this point I had nothing to lose. With the help of a metal scraper and an electric grinder, I tore into the surface removing layers and pigment. After looking at the result, I decided to rotate the art into a vertical position. I agree with Mary that I'm loving the virtual critique aspect of my blog. That being said, is this third version an improvement over the second and even more important is it better than the first?