
I am an artist, not a writer. My Intent is not to educate, enlighten or inspire but rather to clarify my motivations to myself. I find that when I write down the thoughts and reasons that I take certain paths, it helps me to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Let's face it, authentic work evolves through a series of mistakes, lessons learned and options eliminated.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Haute couture

“Haute couture”  36”x 30” polished cement & pigment on panel

I visited the Dallas Museum of Art and saw the Jean Paul Gaultier fashion exhibition.  It was incredible! The lines were to!  I visited the museum during the last day of the show. At the end of the day it was at least a 2 hour wait to get into the show but it was worth it.  I was inspired to produce the image above, my tribute to Jean Paul.


  1. Oh William, I am jealous! Jean Paul Gaultier! So inspirational and brilliant with line (pun intended)! Worth the wait. Your "Haute Couture" inspires also.

  2. I can see the connection between the title and image... Good one William.

    1. Thanks a lot Joe, I tried not to be too literal with the image.


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