
I am an artist, not a writer. My Intent is not to educate, enlighten or inspire but rather to clarify my motivations to myself. I find that when I write down the thoughts and reasons that I take certain paths, it helps me to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Let's face it, authentic work evolves through a series of mistakes, lessons learned and options eliminated.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


"Orbis" 18.5"x 20" cement & pigment on panel

I have found that is difficult to just let the chips fall where they may.  That is sort of what it feels like as I'm doing in my work.  But I do believe that many years of experience fosters an unconscious knowing that guides my hand.  I find that too much dependence on conscious effort can lead to a trite outcome devoid of surprise and  opportunities to learn and grow. I continually ask myself, "what If".  If I already know the answer, it's time to move on.  My art is about discovering new problems, not solving them.


  1. Hi William,
    Interesting to read your words, Wow another painting that blows me away.
    I know that i have said this to you before and not to put any pressure on you but another incredible bench mark , a work that you try not to sell leave this on your wall and keep pushing,keep feeling, Keep trusting, trusting in YOUR process.
    regards David

    1. David, thank you so much for taking the time to write these kind words. I like to tell myself that I'm not influenced by other peoples opinion of my art but when someone that I admire, responds to it the way you have, it is a great source of encouragement. Thank you again.

  2. I like very much this composition,asimmetric,and especially colors.

    1. Thank you very much for your positive comment Jelena.

  3. The process is a mystery to me but the results are extraordinary. Another gem!

  4. Hi William. Explain to me how you created the markings (circles) on the top right side of this piece, please?

    1. Carole, as you may know, I am working on glass. What I put down first is actually the top layer when I flip it over. The circles you speak of were the first thing I applied to the glass. I applied black pigment mixed with cement to a rubber floor mat and then pressed it onto the surface and let it dry before continuing. I sometimes even use an interesting tread of a running shoe or a lace doily to make interesting patterns on the surface. Sorry to remove the mystique but the answer is "floor mat".

    2. Thanks for explaining William. I had to laugh at floor mat.


Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your input.