
I am an artist, not a writer. My Intent is not to educate, enlighten or inspire but rather to clarify my motivations to myself. I find that when I write down the thoughts and reasons that I take certain paths, it helps me to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Let's face it, authentic work evolves through a series of mistakes, lessons learned and options eliminated.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


This was the first piece where I decided to bevel and polish the edge of the image. In my past work I was OK with the edges being rather rough and unfinished. Sometimes I get urges to make a change in a particular process or habit and there is always the choice of whether I should follow that urge or not. In this instance, I felt that it worked out very well. You can't really see the beveled edge in this photo but in person it adds a nice finished frame-like quality that contrasts nicely with the many rough finished surface areas. Many artists don't feel that photography accurately represents their artwork. This is especially true in my case. Photos do not communicate the fact that areas of the work have been highly polished, waxed and buffed to a mirror like surface. At this point I am inclined to repeat this edge treatment in future pieces.

"Hudsucker" 39" x 27" polished cement and dry pigment on panel

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